Day by Day cartoon

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

No blogging in a week? Yeah, I'm that busy-

I wouldn't have been that busy, and I had time for blogging over the weekend but there's no electricity or internet or even a cell phone signal where we went camping. So instead of blogging, I rested, read and fished. I'll come back to that in a minute.

But I have been busy with the job and the job hunting. There is actually no shortage of work in the area that I can consider and might be considered for, so I've been busy tweaking my resume to adjust its focus depending on the job and writing cover letters that are applicable to each possible job and sending them out into the wild. I had my first interview yesterday… It seemed to go well but its been 8 years since I had a formal employment interview so I don't have much to compare against. I did get a haircut Sunday after getting home so I looked presentable. It seems that every day brings another avenue to pursue for work and right now I feel like I'm just scratching the surface of the potential. If only this dang current job wasn't occupying my time and attention for hours at a time!

But in spite of all the activity going on around us, the spouse and I took the dog and the camper and got out of town for the weekend for some down time. We went up the Mirror Lake Parkway and made Shady Dell campground our home for the weekend, like we've done numerous times now. We really like the peace and quiet and relative wildness of the campground compared to many of the more manicured campgrounds and except for being to close to the highway noise, its just wonderful.

After setting up camp Friday afternoon, I set out to go find a fishing lake. Driving the truck up a winding, gravel road, I pretty quickly had to abandon it as the road turned into an ATV trail. So, I walked, hiked actually, a couple miles up this loose, occasionally rocky trail, until I found the lake. I had to walk most of the way around the lake to find a spot not filled in with weeds and by the time I got there, the sky was blackening with an impending storm. So, I tied on the "sure-thing", $3 lure that I bought just last week, gave it 3 casts, mostly to see how the lure's action looked, and on the 4th cast, the line snapped and the lure took up permanent residence at the bottom of the lake! Hooverdamm!

And still a 2 mile walk back to the truck in threatening weather! Sheesh!

Saturday after a late breakfast I did drive up to another, much more accessible lake and in spite of chilly temperatures and a really strong breeze, managed to catch my limit of 4 rainbow trout. It took me a while to get the right combination of tackle that I could feel through the wind and eventually I ended up using a float to drift my nightcrawlers just above the bottom with good results. We ate 3 of the fish that evening for dinner and I'm eating the last one tonight! Those trout are the first trout I've caught since at least 1982, so it was pretty satisfying to catch and eat some really fresh fish. And I have a picture that I'll add to this post later, from the house.

I'll have 2 book reviews later tonight as well. For now, I need to go beg for an additional $28,000 for one of my programs!

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